material grade 3 ips

Linkage IPS and Social Sciences
• IPS taking materials from the social sciences• There is no requirement that all social sciences need to be lowered in any subject IPS, but adapted to the purpose of teaching and the development of learners• Qualification also dictates the amount and the content of social science to be mixed into the IPS program• IPS parallels can be drawn by linking or combining various elements of social science so as to be attractive
Edgar B. Wesley (1930)
• IPS is the social sciences are adapted and simplified in order to achieve the objectives of education and teaching.• The equation lies in the targets investigated, people in public life.• The difference lies in the goal. Social Sciences aims to promote and develop the science of each, while IPS is more the goal of education is not the theory of the social sciences.
Understanding IPSn The study of human beings with all aspects of public life in the systemn Examine how humans live with other humans.n Assess how they move, how they meet their needs, etc..n What is the subject of study or learning materials in the IPS is the whole of man.n To deal with the complexity of life, students must be able to integrate all of the social sciencesn It is also necessary ingredients derived from natural sciences and the humanities as support materialsn Complexity in Indonesia not only because of the demands of the development of science and technology, but also the complexity of the plurality of Indonesian society
The purpose IPS
• Develop the ability and skills to enable students to be able to live in harmony, harmony and balance in the environment.• Symptoms and problems that exist in the environment can be used as a stimulant for the students to draw the attention of students in the learning process.• In social studies teaching and learning community is a source of primary material as well as both a laboratory• Through the teaching of social studies is expected terbinanya citizens who are sensitive to social problems that occur in the community, having a positive mental attitude terhdap any identified gaps, and skillfully solve problems that occur everyday either happened to her or that plagued society.
Learning objectives IPS
Gaining knowledge, understanding, intelligence, and thinking skills of students.

Emphasizing the feelings, emotions, and the degree of acceptance or rejection of students' learning materials IPS

Emphasizing the skills / behaviors as citizens expected obtained after studying IPS

Fenton (1967:1):
IPS is delivering education teaching children to be good citizens, to teach children how to think, and the IPS can deliver teaching to the child's cultural heritage
Educational function IPS• Establish and carry on moral values• Establish the nature and human mental Indonesia• Establish and enhance the intelligence of the individual and society
IPS Education should focus to ways to foster initiative, creativity, intellect and personal character.
Teachers and learning environment that is expected to encourage and directBasic Concept Generalization Disciplines IPS
The study of the spread of symptoms in earth space
Locations on the earth's surface is determined by natural conditions, environmental governance, resource
The study of human efforts to achieve prosperity and symptoms arising from the business
Limited resources, the need does notHistory
The study of how people, groups of people seen from the past period
HumanMankind is the result of the past

Why need to IPS at theprimary and secondary?
o Students come from communities with the color of its own.o Students can learn to recognize the people and communities through print and electronic media, not just through schoolo It should be packed information coming from outside (the school) through the vehicle so that the school received information becomes more meaningfulTeaching social studies in elementary and secondary education reached by way of introducing social problems through knowledge, skills, attitudes, and sensitivity to face and solve social problems.Rationalization learn IPS for elementary and secondary level:l systematize the materials, information, and or ability that has been held on humans and the environment becomes more meaningfull More sensitive and responsive to social problems in a rational and responsiblel Enhance sense of tolerance and friendship among human beings and the environment itselfIPS is expected to be formed through the social actors that have the characteristics of:• Personal Dimension, namely: virtuous, personable, hard-working, tough, responsible, independent, healthy jasroh.• Social Dimensions are: patriotism, national spirit and solidarity solid.• spiritual dimensions, namely: faithful and devoted to God Almighty.• Intellectual Dimension, namely intelligent and skilledFor teaching social studies in the schools needed teachers who are professional in the field of the IPS's. The duty LPTK (UNY), especially Fise to print professional teachers who are

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