excess google

Here are 9 advantages google+ (google plus)
1. Repost Repost There are facilities that have Reshared term, so we can directly quote a status of a friend who is in our circle. It's similar to Retweet on Twitter, on Facebook? no.
2. Set Status status that we make can be regulated if it can not or should not be shared again commented upon.
3. Different letters diverse modes FB and Twitter, G+ (Google+ abbreviation) could write a status with oblique fashion, striking out, or bold, exciting right?
4. Gif extension allowable charge Gif images do make long loading time, but it works in G+ gif extension so that the image can be run as usual when dishared on G+ status.
5. Live Notification term is actually my own, if there is a notification in FB then to see the comments of people then we have to go to the page in question. Not with G+ because we can immediately see the status of what once dikomentarin can directly reply to comments, sophisticated!
6. Lightweight live notification facility should require a qualified connections but apparently connections mediocre can smoothly open G+.
7. Instant Upload I tried G+ app on Android and there are facilities Instant Upload, first I think taking pictures and men "share" photos, it was not like that because once "cekrek" in Android app then automatically uploaded photos directly. Many are afraid the photos will not be tershare content, but it turned out to be an instant photo was uploaded on an album and not published in the Stream.
8. Huddle facilities can only be used in mobile applications G+, similar to IM and group chat is very stable great when I wear.
9. Tag System Similar to FB, in G+ can make a tag in the status of the '@' and '+'. Tags can even be made through the mobile version.

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