signs of the Hour

What are the signs Judgement according to Quran and other signs? Then you can read this diartikel explains, signs doom.

Hearing the name of the apocalypse, the impression that emerges is horror and fear, because that day is a day of devastation. Humans and whatever creatures will not survive the experience, no matter where they hide, they will doom feeling.

On that day people will be turned off, and all creatures. Today is the Day of Judgment. And the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime said that the day is very close, but he lived some 15 centuries ago. Moreover, our era is, of course, end the closer again.

Therefore, in order to remind brothers and sisters, this article will explain the signs of doom according to Quran and how the mark is actually a lot we've seen today
Signs of the Great Apocalypse in Surat Al-Zalzalah
Here is a word of Allah, the addition of Al-Qiyamah, there is also an explanation of the apocalypse in the words of Allah. QS. Al-Zalzalah paragraphs 1 through 8 of the signs of doom:

"Apabila bumi digoncangkan dengan goncangan (yang dahsyat), dan bumi telah mengeluarkan beban-beban berat (yang dikandung)nya, dan manusia bertanya: "Mengapa bumi (menjadi begini)?", pada hari itu bumi menceritakan beritanya karena sesungguhnya Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan (yang sedemikian itu) kepadanya. Pada hari itu manusia ke luar dari kuburnya dalam keadaan bermacam-macam, supaya diperlihatkan kepada mereka (balasan) pekerjaan mereka, Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrah pun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya. Dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kejahatan sebesar dzarrah pun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya pula."

On that day all the men ever did during life, will be shown to him, good deeds and Jahar slightest weight will look in his eyes.

Of course as proof that Allah has created a man not for jest, but they have consequences. Allah did not create man anyway jinn except to worship Him.

And on the Day of Resurrection, the man held accountable on human perbuataan entrusted their lives while on this earth.

Day of it, no human being can help another human being. Nor father to his wife or children, or vice versa. Each man give an account of their own.

God willing, we are human beings belong lucky that day. Amiiin Allahuma Amiiin.

Letter QS. Al-Infithaar paragraphs 1 through 19 describe more detailed description of the Day of Judgment, namely:

  • When the sky is split,
  • and when the stars are scattered,
  • and if the oceans makes overflow,
  • and when the graves demolished,
  • then every soul will know what you have done and are ignoredO man, what have deceive you (disobedience) to your Lord, the Most Gracious.
  • Who has created you then refine and make kejadianmu (body composition) your balance,
  • in whatever form He wills, He compiled body.
  • Not only ungodly, even you deny the Day of Judgment.
  • When in fact for you there are (angels) who supervise (work),
  • glorious (Allah) and record (job-work it),
  • they know what you do.
  • Indeed, many people who are truly devoted in heaven of bliss,
  • and indeed the rebellious people really are in hell.
  • They got into it on the Day of Judgment.
  • And they never get out of hell.
  • Do you know what the Day of Judgment is?
  • Once again, do you know what the Day of Judgment is?
  • (It is) the day (when) a person is powerless to help other people at all. And any matter that day in the power of God.
Signs of the Great Apocalypse
Here is a great sign of doom that you must know.
  •      The time was very fast spinning.
  •      The number of adultery and now as if it had become something ordinary or commonplace.
  •      There are many places to purchase spaced. Just imagine, now everyone has started trying to earn extra income by selling.
  •      When a person feels when praying in Mecca, the prayer will be answered quickly. Obviously, in this regard, many people are leaving in droves haj or umrah several times in the hope that if praying in Mecca, the prayer will be answered quickly. When in fact that view is wrong because God is close and even closer than veins veins.
  •      The emergence of the Dajjal, Imam Mahdi, and the appearance of false prophets.
  •      Rising of the sun from the west and sank sebelam east. It is the inverse of the daily sun rises from the east and sets from the west.
  •      Fall of Jesus Christ to the earth.
  •      The existence Majjuj and Yajjuj.
  •      People will compete in decorating mosques so it looks magnificent. But unfortunately the little mosque attendees that the mosque will only serve as a fascinating visitors.
  •      The emergence of many strange animals. Perhaps we often see on television news report about the strange-looking animal or animals have weird feet.

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