Sleep Late Inviting Nightmare

The habit of staying up late or delayed until late bedtime strongly suspected to be the cause of why a person more often
having nightmares.
Conclusions are produced by researchers from Turkey who surveyed 264 men and women regarding sleep habits and dream experiences. As a result, they often stay up late at night and difficulty waking up in the morning having nightmares frequency 70 percent higher than people who slept and woke up early.
The researchers also found that people who like to stay up it's more difficult to go to sleep after waking from his nightmare compared to "the morning person" or a person who likes to get up early.
So why stay up cause nightmares? The researchers do not know exactly, but the biggest suspicion is due to stress.
"People often stay up late will have high levels of stress hormones that disrupt the way the brain stores memory during REM sleep. Thing that will cause the brain to interpret the memory as nightmares," said Yavuz Selvi, researchers from the University of Arizona.
To expedite your eyes closed, it is recommended that you take the time to relax some time before climbing into bed. Avoid doing activities other than sleep and sex in the bedroom for your brain to associate the bedroom with sleep activity.

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