Filasafat Pancasila Indonesia

Filasafat Pancasila Indonesia As a Way of Life Nation

Every nation that wants to stand firm and be clear about the direction in which the objectives to be achieved are in need of a way of life (filsafata life). With a view of life is something people will look at the problems they face and determine the direction and the way how to solve problems earlier. Without a view of life that a nation will feel adrift in the face of big problems that will surely arise, both these problems in their own community, as well as the problems of the human race in the association community of nations in the world. With a clear view of the life of a nation will have a handle and guidelines how he solves problems polotik, economic, social and cultural movement that arose in the more advanced societies. Based on the view of life that is also a nation will build itself.

In social life it contained basic concepts of life aspired to by a nation, contained innermost thoughts and ideas about the form of the life of a nation that is considered good. At akhirnyta view of life of a nation is the crystallization of the values ​​possessed a nation itself, which is believed to be the truth and lead the nation's determination to make it happen.

      We feel grateful that our predecessors, the founders of this Republic dat clearly what is really satisfying way of life of our nation then we call ideology. As addressed in the provisions of Decree No.. II/MPR/1979, the Pancasila is the soul of all the people of Indonesia, the nation's view of life and the foundation of our country Indonesia.
Besides, it is for us as well as a goal of life Pancasila Indonesia. Pancasila for us is a way of life, consciousness and moral ideals which include psychological and character that has beurat / rooted in the culture of Indonesia. Is a culture that teaches that human life will be happy if we can be good in human life as human beings and nature in man's relationship with God, and in the pursuit of progress and happiness spiritual lahiriyah.

The Indonesian nation was born after a very long struggle exceeded, by providing all the sacrifices and hold all kinds of suffering. The Indonesian people born in the manner and the way he passes himself is the result of the historical process in the past, the struggles and challenges of life goals in the future as a whole form a personality of its own.
Therefore bnagsa Indonesia was born with his own personality and the same time the birth of the nation state, personality is defined as a view of life and the basis of the state ideology. Therefore, Pancasila is not born suddenly in 1945, but has struggled, premises see the experience of other nations, with inspired by the ideas of the world., While still rooted in the personality of our nation and the great ideas of our own nation.

Since Pancasila is already a way of life rooted in national identity, it is accepted as the basis of the state constitution that governs life. This is evident in the history of that though stated in a somewhat different formulation, but in 3 pieces of the Constitution that we have ever had is in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, 1950. Pancasila was still listed therein, Pancasila ago confirmed in the constitutional life, Pancasila has always been the handle with moments of national crisis and a threat to the existence of our nation, is a testament to history as the spiritual basis of States, desired by the nation of Indonesia because he actually has people embedded in his heart. Therefore, it is also a mamapu dasasr unite all the people of Indonesia.

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