Fasting is Doctor Who The Cheapest

Indeed, fasting, without exaggeration, is the "doctor" the absolute cheapest. For fasting to lose weight significantly, with a record of when breaking the fast by eating a balanced diet and do not eat and drink immediately when breaking. Rasullulah when starting ifthar of fasting is to eat a few seeds of dates and not the other, or a sip of water and then prayed. Here's a clue.

And inisebaik-good instructions for those who fasted from food and drink for a long time. Thus, there is sugar in dates and people will feel full when eating dates, because it is easily digested and delivered into the blood, and at the same time it gives the energy or strength to the body.But if we start eating meat after a hungry due to fasting, vegetables, and bread, the body requires a fair amount of time to be able to digest and absorb

nutrients, and then we feel full. And at a time like this, then when you are beginning the break will still feel hungry. And finally, those who fasted were less able to benefit directly from his fast, the health gain, afiat, and vitality, even he would keep most of the fat and obesity. And this is certainly not the purpose of God prescribed for His slaves to fast.He said: The month of Ramadan in which the Qur'an revealed as guidance for mankind, and the explanation of the clues that differentiator. So who's met the fasting month of Ramadan. And who is ill or on a journey that he was replacing the fast in other months. God desires for you ease and does not want to trouble you (Surat al-Baqara: 175).Skin DiseasesIt fasting provides benefits for treating various skin diseases. this was due to fasting the water content in the blood is reduced, it also decreases the water content in the skin. This in turn will affect:1. Adding peel strength against microbes and microbial diseases in the stomach.2. Minimize the possibility of skin diseases that spread all over his body like a sore psoriasis (chronic skin disease).3. Minimize skin allergies and skin problems limiting fat.Ny. Ilham Hussain, an Egyptian princess said:When I was 10 years old, I suffer from chronic skin disease. This disease appears in red, and I do not see any single drug. And after the doctor-famous dermatologist in Egypt said to my father, "You have to get used to it and you are living with this disease. Disease Thisis a burdensome guest again takes a long time".And when I was reaching the end of 20 years, and close to the time of my marriage, I'm getting grief and isolate themselves from the community, I really sumpeg (narrow chest). And finally, one a friend of my father who always used to do fasting advise me, "Try O daughter, you fasted a day later you break (meal) a day because that's what my husband is also a cure for the disease up to now no known cure by physicians., however, do that drug paraphernalia is a cause of Allah, and indeed all of medicine is in His hands. then, ask in advance to cure him of the disease you have suffered this, and fast ".So, I was fasting, and I started researching things that get me out of the enveloping jahim. And I used to break the fast when consuming a variety of vegetables and fruits, then after 3 hours I've eaten a heavy meal. And I eat (not fasting) on ​​day two, and fasting the day three, and so on. And the amazing thing started to happen to everyone, the pain I suffered after it started to heal past 2 months since I fasted. I not believe in myself, and I started as usual, and I see no sign that my pain little by little began to disappear, and until it is completely healed. Finally, I was never affected by skin disease until the end of my life. "

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