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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

This is featured post 5 title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation test link ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Mysterious bright object found on Mars

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Curiosity Robot that runs missions landed on the planet Mars since August 6, 2012 and then again made an exciting discovery. This time, Curiosity finding an object that can not be identified.

The object was found when the six-wheeled robot with a scoop of Martian soil in a region called Rocknest. Objects found in the second sampling on Friday (12/10/2012) then.

Previously, Curiosity also had found the bright object on Sunday (07/10/2012). However, upon investigation, the object turned out to be junk. There are 5 to 6 similar objects that allegedly came Curiosity landing process.

Experience makes the mission control team carefully. At the sampling time, the team did not directly ask Curiosity took the mysterious object. Curiosity prompted moves to the side and take a few pictures, aware of any similar object.

"We're super paranoid. Teams decided that if the sample is a man-made, we should not take it," said John Grotzinge from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, team members controllers, as quoted by Space, Thursday (18/10/2012) .

Curiosity Observations showed bright objects newly discovered mysterious indeed from Mars. According to scientists, bright object that might be part of the process of soil formation. Bright color is obtained by dividing the object.

6 smartest people in the world still alive today

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1. Stephen Hawking ( 160 )

Stephen Hawking is one of the most known smart people on this earth. Thanks to the various theories about the universe, he gets the recognition, of scientists, government officials, and perhaps your own! .

Do not be surprised if later she received many awards. There are 14 awards won during his lifetime. Unfortunately, Stephen Hawking must accept the fact that he suffers from a disease that made ​​his whole body was paralyzed, including the sense of sound. Stephen Hawking IQ officially recorded is 160.

2. Paul Allen ( 170 )

If you consider the figure of Bill Gates as a smart person, so intelligence is still far less than the other Microsoft co-founder, Paul Allen. Paul Allen holds an IQ score of 170. Compared with other smartest people, the figure is even claimed that one of the most successful alter brain power into money and wealth.

3. Sir Andre Wiles ( 170 )

Sir Andre Wiles known as an expert in mathematical English. In 1995, he created the most difficult mathematical formulas in the world. Thanks to his contributions to mathematics, Sir Andre Wiles who has an IQ of 170 is awarded a knighthood by the Queen of England.

4. Judith Polgar ( 170 )

Since childhood, Judith was born from a family that is not unusual. The father who is obsessed with education, raising Judit with his siblings in a research study.

At the age of 15 years, Judith Polgar, and able to beat Bobby Fisher became the youngest female chess grandmaster at that time. Judith himself known IQ of 170.

5. James Woods ( 180 )

James Woods is a genius. In the SAT exam, Woods earned a perfect score, 800 in the verbal test and 779 in Maths. When young, Woods was at a top university in the U.S., UCLA, the scholarship system. Unfortunately his fondness for acting to make educated career stalled.

6. Gary Kasparov ( 190 )

Gary Kasparov is known as one of the chess master who is still living in this world. For a moment he lost the chess match against the computer genius, but you definitely do not want to fight the Russian national men's brains.

With an IQ of 192, Gary Kasparov made ​​its mark on the world by becoming the youngest world chess champion, that at the age of 22 years. After retiring in 2005, Kasparov is now active in politics and writing.

Sleep Late Inviting Nightmare

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The habit of staying up late or delayed until late bedtime strongly suspected to be the cause of why a person more often
having nightmares.
Conclusions are produced by researchers from Turkey who surveyed 264 men and women regarding sleep habits and dream experiences. As a result, they often stay up late at night and difficulty waking up in the morning having nightmares frequency 70 percent higher than people who slept and woke up early.
The researchers also found that people who like to stay up it's more difficult to go to sleep after waking from his nightmare compared to "the morning person" or a person who likes to get up early.
So why stay up cause nightmares? The researchers do not know exactly, but the biggest suspicion is due to stress.
"People often stay up late will have high levels of stress hormones that disrupt the way the brain stores memory during REM sleep. Thing that will cause the brain to interpret the memory as nightmares," said Yavuz Selvi, researchers from the University of Arizona.
To expedite your eyes closed, it is recommended that you take the time to relax some time before climbing into bed. Avoid doing activities other than sleep and sex in the bedroom for your brain to associate the bedroom with sleep activity.

history blog

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blog (a portmanteau of the term web log) is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Until 2009 blogs were usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often were themed on a single subject. More recently "multi-author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited. MABs from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, think tanks, interest groups and similar institutions account for an increasing quantity of blog traffic. The rise of Twitter and other "microblogging" systems helps integrate MABs and single-author blogs into societal newstreams. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

The emergence and growth of blogs in the late 1990s coincided with the advent of web publishing tools that facilitated the posting of content by non-technical users. (Previously, a knowledge of such technologies as HTML and FTP had been required to publish content on the Web.)
Although not a requirement, most good quality blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.

In that sense, blogging can be seen as a form of social networking. Indeed, bloggers do not only produce content to post on their blogs, but also build social relations with their readers and other bloggers.

Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or "vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), and audio (podcasts). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts. In education, blogs can be used as instructional resources. These blogs are referred to as edublogs.

As of 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence.On October 13, 2012, there were around 77 million Tumblr and 56.6 million WordPress.blogs in existence worldwide.

History of Chat

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It really started out as a simple real time chat program in 1960 before the Internet ever existed. Internet Relay Chat was developed in the late 1980's and is the kind of chatter that all computer users most familiar with it. Internet relay chat started with only about two dozen users on the server 38. While the conversation may start with a slow pace, now one of the most popular online activity to do use the internet and text messaging.
The first reference of chat that never actually happened in the year 1960.Begitu network is connected, the others began to create their own as well, which led to 40 servers around the world in 1989.

The first reference of chat that never actually happened in 1960. Although the Internet has not been developed yet, there is real time chat for programs that allow users connected to the same computer to chat with one another. Messages can only be sent to two users at a time. The computer user must tahuapa address of the computer, though, to send a message.

Internet relay chat in created in 1988 by Jarkko "Wiz" Oikarinen. He designed the first chat server while working the universities of Oulu, Finland in processing information science department. The first is the name of the chat server then start contacting other friends to make the server as well. University colleges other then immediately started making their own server as well. Jarkko immediately contact the server to create the first network. once the network is connected, the others began to create their own as well, which led to 40 servers around the world in 1989.

History of Twitter

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History of Twitter ranging from established March 2006 by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone. In 2006 Williams and Biz Stone founded Obvious Corp along with former Odeo employees. History of Twitter was created as a separate company in April 2007 by Obvious Corp. Jack Dorsey was chief executive officer of Twitter until October 2008 when Williams became CEO and Dorsey shifted to the position of chairman of the board of directors.Since its creation in 2006, Twitter has become very popular around the world. Twitter is the fastest growing microblogging free software that allows you to keep in touch with people through quick, frequent answers to one question: What are you doing? That one little question has launched a media revolution."Tweet" is the term for a maximum of 140 character messages posted on Twitter. For tweeting to be effective, it must be done systematically, with posts made each day. For the average business owner or marketing executive, this can be very impractical because of the time required. Fortunately, technology provides a way to get things done faster.One such technology is a tool called BigTweet. BigTweet is a plugin for your Web browser that allows you to send a tweet to twitter with just a click of a button BigTweet, located in your browser's menu link. Highlighting a section on the Web page and click on the button creates a tweet from the highlighted text, in addition to the title page and short URL. If you do not highlight the words on the page, the tweet text will contain only the title page and short URL.Business people are now beginning to realize the power of Twitter as a promotional tool online. It felt strange and awkward at first, and need some time to get good results. So do not spin your wheels trying to figure it out. Use tools like BigTweet and tweeet Then to get more done in less time.


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Letter of Understanding
The letter is one means of written communication to convey
information from one party (person, institution, or organization) to
another party (person, institution, or organization).

Letter Format
As a means of writing, the letter has a format of writing, especially
formal or official letter. With the letter format, letter writing
be organized, the parts were not written any letter but
placed according to the provisions.
The shape of the letter or letter format commonly used
there are 5 forms, namely:
(1) form a full straight (full block style)
(2) the straight (block style)
(3) the form of a half straight (semiblock style)
(4) the form of the curve (indented style)
(5) the form of paragraphs hang (hanging paragraph)

Types of Letters:
Based on its use letters divided into three types, here.

1. Personal Letter
Personal letter is a letter that is used for the benefit of
private. The letter dealing with personal affairs. Examples
letter to the parents of a child or a letter to a friend.
The characteristics of a personal letter as follows.
(1) Do not use letterhead / masthead
(2) Not using the same letters
(3) and a cover letter greeting varies
(4) The use of language independent, in accordance with the wishes of the author
(5) letter format free

2. Missive
Official letter is a letter that is used for the benefit of the
official nature, either written from individuals, agencies, institutions,
and organizations. For example: the letter of invitation, notification,
and circulars.
The characteristics of a formal letter, as follows.
(1) Using the letterhead if the extract is
institution or organization
(2) Using a number of letters, attachments, and subject
(3) Using the greeting and closing the common or official,
such as: Assalamualikum, with respect, we respectfully
(4) Using the language of the official range or standard
(5) Using the stamp / seal if it comes from an organization or
official institutions
(6) Writing letters follow a specific letter format (not free)

3.Surat Office
Official letter is a letter that is used for the benefit of
employment, the duties of the office, or official activities. This letter comes from
agency or institution, either private or public. Example: the work order,
warrant, memoranda, and letters decision. An official letter
berifat individual is a job application letter, letter of application
permit, and letters of vacation requests.
Distinctive official letter, as follows.

(1) Using the letterhead / masthead and the agency or agencies
(2) Using a number of letters, attachments, and subject
(3) Using the greeting and closing the standard or official,
such as: with respect, we respectfully
(4) Using a standard language or official variety
(5) Using the seal / stamp of the agency or office letter maker
(6) certain letter format. If it comes from government agencies
typically use a formal letter format new or Indonesia
robin format straight version b.

4. and etc

Filasafat Pancasila Indonesia

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Filasafat Pancasila Indonesia As a Way of Life Nation

Every nation that wants to stand firm and be clear about the direction in which the objectives to be achieved are in need of a way of life (filsafata life). With a view of life is something people will look at the problems they face and determine the direction and the way how to solve problems earlier. Without a view of life that a nation will feel adrift in the face of big problems that will surely arise, both these problems in their own community, as well as the problems of the human race in the association community of nations in the world. With a clear view of the life of a nation will have a handle and guidelines how he solves problems polotik, economic, social and cultural movement that arose in the more advanced societies. Based on the view of life that is also a nation will build itself.

In social life it contained basic concepts of life aspired to by a nation, contained innermost thoughts and ideas about the form of the life of a nation that is considered good. At akhirnyta view of life of a nation is the crystallization of the values ​​possessed a nation itself, which is believed to be the truth and lead the nation's determination to make it happen.

      We feel grateful that our predecessors, the founders of this Republic dat clearly what is really satisfying way of life of our nation then we call ideology. As addressed in the provisions of Decree No.. II/MPR/1979, the Pancasila is the soul of all the people of Indonesia, the nation's view of life and the foundation of our country Indonesia.
Besides, it is for us as well as a goal of life Pancasila Indonesia. Pancasila for us is a way of life, consciousness and moral ideals which include psychological and character that has beurat / rooted in the culture of Indonesia. Is a culture that teaches that human life will be happy if we can be good in human life as human beings and nature in man's relationship with God, and in the pursuit of progress and happiness spiritual lahiriyah.

The Indonesian nation was born after a very long struggle exceeded, by providing all the sacrifices and hold all kinds of suffering. The Indonesian people born in the manner and the way he passes himself is the result of the historical process in the past, the struggles and challenges of life goals in the future as a whole form a personality of its own.
Therefore bnagsa Indonesia was born with his own personality and the same time the birth of the nation state, personality is defined as a view of life and the basis of the state ideology. Therefore, Pancasila is not born suddenly in 1945, but has struggled, premises see the experience of other nations, with inspired by the ideas of the world., While still rooted in the personality of our nation and the great ideas of our own nation.

Since Pancasila is already a way of life rooted in national identity, it is accepted as the basis of the state constitution that governs life. This is evident in the history of that though stated in a somewhat different formulation, but in 3 pieces of the Constitution that we have ever had is in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, 1950. Pancasila was still listed therein, Pancasila ago confirmed in the constitutional life, Pancasila has always been the handle with moments of national crisis and a threat to the existence of our nation, is a testament to history as the spiritual basis of States, desired by the nation of Indonesia because he actually has people embedded in his heart. Therefore, it is also a mamapu dasasr unite all the people of Indonesia.

Appreciation process

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efore doing appreciation, generally someone choose bentukkarya literature or language arts text types are preferred, for example bentukkarya literary prose, poetry, drama, or film. Joy it would melangkahpada effort for someone to know or understand more dalamkarya chosen.
A literary work can be favored and digemarioleh person because the work can give a distinct impression that induce empathy for the fans. It was caused prosespenciptaan literature include the following ini.1. Efforts to explore the author's life embodied in the form of the language that will be presented to the lain.2. Efforts to make the literary medium of communication between the author and enthusiasts ataupencipta sastra.3. Efforts to make the literature as a means of entertainment in the sense of satisfying the heart merupakanalat sastra.4 enthusiasts. Efforts to make the contents of a literary work is a form of deep ekspresiyang author or writer of the elements unsurkehidupan. In other words, the result of a process rather than mature diciptakan.Untuk appreciate a work of literature or language arts texts, to do activities such as: (1) hear / listen (2) reading (3) watch (4) to study the passages ( 5) retelling (6) comment (7) her show (8) makes parafrasa (9) to answer questions relating to the work (10) felt like: recite (for poetry) or acting out (for drama) (11) makes a synopsis for stories, and respond to literary works sebagainyaSelain activity as noted above, the steps to appreciate a work of literature that are of interest secaraumum include things berikut1. Interpret or to the interpretation of literary works based on the properties of the literature. Analyze or describe the elements of the literature,
elements both intrinsic and ekstrinsiknya. Enjoy or feel the literary work by pemahamanuntuk get appreciation. Evaluate or assess the literature in order mengukurkualitas tersebut4 work. Giving tribute to a literary work based on the level of quality

Definition of Democracy

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While the English meaning of democracy comes from two words demos meaning people, and kratos / cratein meaningful government. The term "democracy" comes from the Ancient Greek expressed in ancient Athens in the 5th century BC. The country generally regarded as the earliest example of a legal system that deals with modern democracy. However, the meaning of this term has changed over time, and modern definitions have evolved since the 18th century, along with the development of the system of "democracy" in many countries.

Democracy is a form of mechanism or system of government of a country in an effort to realize the people's sovereignty (national power) for the state to be run by the state government.

One of the pillars of democracy is the principle that divides the trias politica three state political power (executive, judicial and legislative) to be realized in the three types of institutions independent of the other state (independent) and is ranked in the parallel one another. Alignment and independence of the three types of state agencies is needed to make the three institutions can watch each other and control each other based on the principle of checks and balances.

Definition of Democracy is taken from various sources, the hope for my friends not only looking from one reference only, thank you.


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Futsal(Portuguese pronunciation: [futˈsaw]) is a variant of association football that is played on a smaller pitch and mainly played indoors. Its name is a portmanteau of the Portuguese futebol de salão, which can be translated as "hall football" or "indoor football". It is the International Football equivalent of the US's Arena Football.

During the sport's second world championships held in Madrid in 1985, the name fútbol Sala was used. Since then, all other names have been officially and internationally changed to futsal. Futsal is played between two teams of five players each, one of whom is the goalkeeper.

Unlimited substitutions are permitted. Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the game is played on a hard court surface delimited by lines; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller ball with less bounce than a regular football.

The surface, ball and rules create an emphasis on improvisation, creativity and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces.

5 Film Describing People Geniuses

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1. music
Amadeus (1984)

Amadeus is considered as one of the best movie musicals ever made. It is characterized by being nominated for 53 awards and won 40 of 53 awards, including eight Academy Award. The film is taken from the life of composer Antonio Salieri and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, both of whom lived in Vienna, Austria, at the end of the 18th century. Mozart was a child prodigy who wrote for keyboard and violin at age 5. Throughout his life he has produced more than 600 works and is regarded as a musician, naturally gifted of all time.

2. physics
Dark Matter (2008)
Dark Matter is a film based on the story of Gang Lu, the murder at the University of Iowa. The film focuses on his time at the university, rather than the crime he did. Character, Liu Xing, is a young talented Chinese students who were flown to the U.S. to study physics at a higher level. While there, he joined the cosmology group led by Jacob Reiser, a renowned cosmologist. Xing brilliance became apparent and he was quickly taken under the wing professor. When they tried to create a model for the origin of the universe. However, Xing became obsessed with the study of 'Dark Matter', an invisible substance that he believes shapes the universe and everything in it, contrary to the theory of Reiser's. Character ego battles, and cultural differences while trying to maintain his natural ability for science, and his sanity.

3. supernatural powers
Powder (1995)
Sean Patrick Flanery plays albino boy, nicknamed "Powder", which has a remarkable intellect, telepathy and paranormal power. This boy's real name is Jeremy Reed. His mother was struck by lightning when he was still in the womb. This child also has the ability to sense the feelings of other people around. Jeff Goldblum and Mary Steenburgen star in this movie.

4.Time Travel
The Time Machine (1960 & 2002)
There are two movies Time Machine (1960 and 2002), each based on HG Wells novel of the same name. Although in the film the protagonist has a name, in the book he is simply known as 'Time Traveler', talented young inventors from New York (version 2002) After kekasihnyanya killed by robbers, he built a time machine that would allow him to return to save her lover. After realizing that no matter how many times he came back, his girlfriend is always killed in different ways until he went to the future year 2037. After fainting, she wakes up in the year in which 802,701 people have returned to a primitive way of life and tormented by a monster ape called 'Morlocks'. Even though the film is not brilliant, at least in this novel is the "revelation" that introduced the idea of ​​time travel.

5. Writing
Finding Forrester (2000)
This film tells the story of a young negro teen, Jamal Wallace, who has a great natural talent for writing. He met the old writer named William Forrester (played by Sean Connery). In the end their friendship grows, each find themselves in different ways. Although Jamal was a very gifted student, the pressure pushing him to perform at an average level in school, while Forrester helped him a passion for literature.

Fasting is Doctor Who The Cheapest

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Indeed, fasting, without exaggeration, is the "doctor" the absolute cheapest. For fasting to lose weight significantly, with a record of when breaking the fast by eating a balanced diet and do not eat and drink immediately when breaking. Rasullulah when starting ifthar of fasting is to eat a few seeds of dates and not the other, or a sip of water and then prayed. Here's a clue.

And inisebaik-good instructions for those who fasted from food and drink for a long time. Thus, there is sugar in dates and people will feel full when eating dates, because it is easily digested and delivered into the blood, and at the same time it gives the energy or strength to the body.But if we start eating meat after a hungry due to fasting, vegetables, and bread, the body requires a fair amount of time to be able to digest and absorb

nutrients, and then we feel full. And at a time like this, then when you are beginning the break will still feel hungry. And finally, those who fasted were less able to benefit directly from his fast, the health gain, afiat, and vitality, even he would keep most of the fat and obesity. And this is certainly not the purpose of God prescribed for His slaves to fast.He said: The month of Ramadan in which the Qur'an revealed as guidance for mankind, and the explanation of the clues that differentiator. So who's met the fasting month of Ramadan. And who is ill or on a journey that he was replacing the fast in other months. God desires for you ease and does not want to trouble you (Surat al-Baqara: 175).Skin DiseasesIt fasting provides benefits for treating various skin diseases. this was due to fasting the water content in the blood is reduced, it also decreases the water content in the skin. This in turn will affect:1. Adding peel strength against microbes and microbial diseases in the stomach.2. Minimize the possibility of skin diseases that spread all over his body like a sore psoriasis (chronic skin disease).3. Minimize skin allergies and skin problems limiting fat.Ny. Ilham Hussain, an Egyptian princess said:When I was 10 years old, I suffer from chronic skin disease. This disease appears in red, and I do not see any single drug. And after the doctor-famous dermatologist in Egypt said to my father, "You have to get used to it and you are living with this disease. Disease Thisis a burdensome guest again takes a long time".And when I was reaching the end of 20 years, and close to the time of my marriage, I'm getting grief and isolate themselves from the community, I really sumpeg (narrow chest). And finally, one a friend of my father who always used to do fasting advise me, "Try O daughter, you fasted a day later you break (meal) a day because that's what my husband is also a cure for the disease up to now no known cure by physicians., however, do that drug paraphernalia is a cause of Allah, and indeed all of medicine is in His hands. then, ask in advance to cure him of the disease you have suffered this, and fast ".So, I was fasting, and I started researching things that get me out of the enveloping jahim. And I used to break the fast when consuming a variety of vegetables and fruits, then after 3 hours I've eaten a heavy meal. And I eat (not fasting) on ​​day two, and fasting the day three, and so on. And the amazing thing started to happen to everyone, the pain I suffered after it started to heal past 2 months since I fasted. I not believe in myself, and I started as usual, and I see no sign that my pain little by little began to disappear, and until it is completely healed. Finally, I was never affected by skin disease until the end of my life. "

Techniques Sports Running Relay

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1. Understanding Run Relay
Relay Run Sports Technique Run or relay connection is one race at a track meet held alternately or relay. This was done and the run continued alternately take the baton from the starting line to the finish line. In this connection there is one team ran four runners. In the running for the specificity of the dial there will not be found on a number of other runners, ie move the sticks while running faster than previous runner to the next runner.
Start used in the continued run is to use the first runners start squatting. As for the runner second, third and fourth runners using start flying. Distance running is often diperlombakan continued in athletics for men and women is the 4 x 100 meters or 4 x 400 meters. In doing running technique continued not only necessary but giving and receiving of a stick in the zone or area of ​​change and adjustment of the distance and speed of each runner.

2. History of Running Relay
    Connecting Run starts from the Aztecs, Inca and Maya aims to pass on the news that has been known for a long time. In Greece, the torch relay was held in conjunction with ancestor worship and to continue the sacred fire to the new colonies-colonies. The tradition of the Olympic flame comes from the Greek tradition.
Run 4 x 100 meter relay and the 4 x 400 meters for men in its current form, the first Olympics held in 1992 in Stockholm. 4 x 100-meter relay for women since 1928 a number of Olympic and 4 x 400 meter contested since 1972.

3. Relay Run Rule
    Each runner has an important role in sport relay race. Therefore, the cohesiveness and rhythm also must be kept running. In the distance 4 x 100 meters, runners are not allowed to drop the baton. So it should really be trained how to pass the baton. Because if falling, participants will run immediately disqualified. Unlike sports with the distance relay 4 x 400 meters. Because the distance further, the rules are even lighter. Participants may run drop and retrieve a dropped baton. But the risk is less. Because when participants ran a stick, then certainly the participant will be far behind the other participants.

4. Baton relay
    The baton was given object in rotation from one participant to another participant in a squad run. Therefore, it was not just stick a stick. Its size is suitable and fit with long grip runners in general.
The size of the stick that is used to run the relay are:
• The length of the stick: 29-30 cm
• stick Diameter: 3.81 cm (adults) and 2.54 cm (children)
• Weight sticks: 50 gr
How to hold the baton to be done right. Holding the stick can be held by the left or right hand. Half of the stick held by the stick. And ends again will be held by the recipient subsequent baton. And for the first runner, the baton should be held behind the starting line and do not touch the starting line.

5. Substitution Technique Stick Relay
    Relay race knew how to turn two sticks, that is:
a. Engineering admission stick by seeing (visual)
Runners who took a stick to do it running while turning her head to look at the stick given by the previous runners. The reception staff is usually done by looking at the number 4 x 400 meters.
b. Engineering admission stick in a way not seen (non-visual)
Runners who took a stick to do it run without seeing the stick to be received. How to stick acceptance without seeing typically used in run 4 x 100 meter relay.
Judging from how to receive a stick, the stick movement skills recipient without looking more difficult than in the way of seeing. In practice, the receiver and the giver needs to do a much longer exercise the right approach.

6. Giving and Receiving Techniques Stick Relay
    The principle is to try to bring the run connecting rod as soon as possible is done to give and receive the baton from one runner to the other runners, in order to perform the technique, the runner must master the movement skills and running skills to give and receive a stick he carried.
In some race number, often a team was defeated by the other teams simply because of lack of control of movement skills to receive and give the baton from one runner to another runner. In fact, often a team was disqualified just because of the inappropriate acceptance and delivery of the stick.
Relay race knows two ways giving and receiving of sticks, namely:
a. Technique of giving and receiving the baton from below
This technique is done by runners carrying the stick with his left hand. While running athletes will provide the stick with his left hand. We will provide sticks, stick swinging from back to front through the bottom. Meanwhile, behind the hands of the recipient has been prepared with the palms facing down. Thumb wide open, while the other fingers clenched.
b. Technique of giving and receiving the baton from the
This technique is done by swinging the arm from back to front, then immediately put the stick on the palms of the receiver. Runners will receive a stick waved a hand from front to back with palms facing up. Wide open thumb and fingers of his other hand tightly.
There is a way that made the sport relay race baton in order not to fall when given to the other participants. That runner holding baton meegang baton with his left hand and gave it also with his left hand. Meanwhile, prepare the recipient receives a stick stick with the right hand.

7. Matters to Look for in a Running Relay
    The things to watch in sports relay race, as follows:
a. Provision should be crossed sticks, the runners 1 and 3 hold the stick in his right hand, while runners 2 and 4 receiving or holding the stick with his left hand or vice versa.
b. Placement runners should be tailored to the privileges of each runner. For example, 1 and 3 selected runners are really good in the corners. 2 and 4 runner is a runner that has good durability.
c. Distance runners wait 2, 3, and 4 should really be measured with precision.
d. After giving the baton should not get out of the path of each.

8. Race Rules
    The rules in sport relay race, as follows:
a. The length of the baton change area is 20 meters and the 4 x 100 relay runners meters plus 10 meters prazona. Prazona is an area where the runner can speed flight will depart, but here is not a change of baton.
b. Each runner must remain in their trajectory even after giving his stick to the next runner. If the stick falls, the runner who dropped it must pick it up.
c. In a relay race, the first runner ran the trajectory of each to the first corner, and then allowed to enter the track, and the third runner runners waiting in the turn of the fourth in a sequence corresponding arrival runners teammates.

8 Beautiful Sports Presenter In Indonesia

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1. Franda


The pretty cute in appearance very loved by men. Arek Malang was born with the name Stephen Efranda. The girl was just 25 years old born on February 8. He was listed as a student of the London School class of 2005 majoring in Mass Communication.

His career in the entertainment begins with being a finalist on the MTV VJ Hunt in 2007. Unfortunately, he failed to win. However, his name did not sink and even more exist in the world entertaintment. He is increasingly in demand to be a presenter. He also penetrated the world of models and briefly appeared in the adult men's magazine FHM.

2. Hesti Purwadinata

Hesti Purwadinata

Figure is beautiful and hilarious often adorn various sporting events and infotaintment on screen. His full name is Raden Hesti Puspitasari Purwadinata. He was born in Bogor, June 15, 1984.

Before we dive into the world of entertaintment, he had become SPG. Demeanor that 'speak frankly' exploited to be MC at various events. Beautiful face had delivered a third place at the Femina Face 2005. Interestingly, not himself who signed up to the event, but her sister.

Accomplishments that were brought into the world presenter. The event is the first dipandunya motoring event. Now, in addition to bringing infotaintment program, it also often brings sporting events. In addition to his field presenter, he also plunged into the world of acting by starring in several soap operas and movie titles.

He also had starred in two films titled Trouble So Virgin and Xia Aimei. Paras jelitanya on television can be seen in the program and Gallery Lens Sport Football Indonesia.

3. Kamidia Radisti

 Kamidia Radisti

Arek Suroboyo born February 23, 28 years ago this was Miss Indonesia 2007. After a tenure as Miss Indonesia ended, he decided to plunge into the world of entertainment. He also tried acting by playing in the horror film genre.

Although never attended a beauty event, does not mean women do not like sweet flawless sports. He is a former swimmer. He once swam across the Strait Madura within 3.8 miles! He managed to finish it in 2 hours. Wow!

Besides being a sports presenter, he also became the presenter infotaintment.

4. Magdalena


Presenter of this section was born in Jakarta on May 17, 1984. She began her career in the entertainment world through a dance contest. Lena, her nickname, does have a hobby dancing. From there he then venturing into the world of the presenter.

Thanks to her sexuality, she had become a model of FHM magazine, and successfully ranked No. 72 in the ranks of the Sexiest Women in the World version of FHM in 2007. Remarkably, in just one year, he successfully ranked third in the same event.

Besides being a presenter and model, he also became commercials and appeared in various comedy programs on television and had also starred in a few movies.

5. Arumi Bachsin

Arumi Bachsin

This is the sport's youngest presenter in Indonesia. Dara was born in Jakarta on February 19 is only 18 years old. His name was included rapid rise in the entertainment world.

Aside from being a presenter, Palembang-blooded young girl Bengkulu-German-Dutch also worked as a model, actress and commercials. He is a career in the modeling world since the age of 12 years. After starring in several feature films, she began to cultivate the presenter, including sports programs until we can see the face imutnya every week on television.

6. Dian Ayu

Dian Ayu

Presenters who became the wife of Omesh is news anchor Indonesia. Women who were born in Sorowako dated June 19, 1986 was once had to follow the Miss Indonesia 2007.

We can see her beautiful face almost every morning on the morning news program editor. He also appeared in a comedy sketch. His name also appears quite often in sports programs.

7. Fenita Arie

 Fenita Arie

Pembawa acara yang dikenal selalu terlihat berambut pendek ini tak hanya berprofesi sebagai presenter, tetapi juga model dan bintang film. Ia lahir di Palembang, 31 Agustus, 26 tahun yang lalu. Ia adalah istri dari aktor Arie Untung.

Awal mulanya, ia sempat takut untuk mengikuti casting pembawa acara olahraga. Akan tetapi, dengan dukungan dari Arie, ia pun mau menjalani casting tersebut. Akhirnya, hingga sekarang ia menjadi sering mengikuti perkembangan berita berbagai macam olahraga di dunia.

8. Terry Putri

Terry Putri

Nama lengkap presenter kelahiran Banjarmasin, 1 Desember 1979 ini adalah Terry Naharyana Enani Putri. Ia mengawali karirnya sebagai model dan bintang iklan. Setelah menyelesaikan studinya, barulah ia mulai menerima job untuk menjadi bintang sinetron dan presenter.

Nama Terry Putri sebenarnya dahulu lebih kondang di acara basket, terutama pada saat kompetisi basket di Indonesia masih bernama Kobatama. Lambat laun, ia pun mulai merambah ke bidang infotainment, dan kini juga menjadi presenter acara sepakbola.